Meet Cynthia

Cynthia Mauleón was raised in the Twin Cities and lived in Mexico as a young adult for over a decade. She studied Interpreting and Translation at the Universidad de las Américas in Puebla, Mexico and holds a degree in International Studies from the American University in Washington DC.

Following a thirty-year career as a Spanish medical interpreter, Cynthia recently “retired” to pursue her writing and develop other creative and healing gifts.

Cynthia identifies as a Soul Whisperer, one who listens and sees deeply and creates safe space for the heart’s longings to make themselves known. She offers healing through her writing, motivational speaking, and intuitive healing sessions.

She is currently completing a memoir which will be published later in 2024. Currently titled: The Girl Whose Heart Grew Fierce, this book chronicles Cynthia’s thirty-year journey of recovery from Complex-PTSD and explores themes of love, family, spiritual growth, and emotional sobriety.

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